Carol Green

“Netivot is a place where people are family. We started off in Yoemans in a gym and then watched this building go up – it was an incredible feeling seeing this home being built that was ours! We’ve grown bigger, but that feeling hasn’t left. When you say NETIVOT, you know it means something that unifies. Over my years, I’ve watched the curriculum evolve but the foundation of what the school stands for has only strengthened. Our students are getting a well rounded education. There is more understanding of students’ needs and how education is evolving. We are a family – the community of the school is so strong.” Dr. Carol Green, aka Morah Chana, the longest standing Netivot faculty member, emotionally reflects on her 37 years at Netivot.  

Carol entered a student teaching program at age 15 and by 17, she was the youngest teacher given the opportunity to teach at a Hebrew supplementary school. Post U of T, and as a young mother, she attended Midrasha, a Hebrew teachers training program facilitated by the Board of Jewish Ed. She came across an ad for an assistant position in the Gan at Netivot. She applied, got the job, and Netivot has been benefitting ever since!

An insatiable appetite for knowledge has led Carol to complete 2 Masters degrees and a Doctorate; tremendous accomplishments on their own, but even more so as she was also teaching full time. “I have to credit my parents, because learning and continuing learning, I learnt that from them. My husband and sons were supportive every step of the way.”

When asked why she loves teaching young children, she explains, “Young kids are so honest and excited about every aspect that they are learning. They are independent and deep thinking, so engaged, and their parents are too. There is warmth and love, seeing the learning reflected in their eyes.”

One of the gifts that comes along with being a ‘lifer’ at Netivot is having the opportunity to see your students grow up and then even teach their children. “There is a huge amount of Nachat in seeing your students grow up and become parents. I even have “grandstudents” – it is such a warm feeling.”

Carol is married to David. They have 2 sons, both graduates of Netivot.