The Bizouati Family

We caught up with the Bizouati family to ask some important questions!

What neighborhood do you live in? We live in Thornhill.

What do you/your spouse do professionally? Jordan works in real estate investment and development for a family office and Stephanie is a dental hygienist.

Why did you choose Netivot for your family? We love that Netivot has a focus on creating a sense of unity amongst the students and families and the core values of the school align with our family values. As a graduate of Netivot, Stephanie had a great educational experience and developed many long lasting friendships, and we want our children to have a similar experience.

What do you love about Netivot? The sense of community and belonging!

Fun Facts: Favorite family… dinner, movie, song, Jewish holiday?  It has become a tradition for us to take a family picture each night with the Chanukia.